Coffees Ethiopia Sidamo Medium Roast - Prices PreviousEthiopia Limu Medium Roast - Prices NextEthiopia Yirgacheffe Premium Medium Roast - Prices Ethiopia Sidamo Medium Roast - Prices Ethiopia Sidamo Medium Roast - Prices from $9.00 Smooth and rich with a caramel finish. Amount: Select Amount 1 lb1/2 lb 1 lb 1/2 lb Quantity: Add To Cart Facebook0 Twitter Pinterest0 “People say money can’t buy happiness. They Lie. Money buys Coffee, Coffee makes Me Happy!”~ Unknown You Might Also Like Guatemala Medium Dark Roast (Organic Fair Trade) - Prices from $9.50 Guatemala Swiss Water® Process Decaf - Prices from $9.50 sold out Colombia Swiss Water® Process Decaf - Prices from $8.50 Sulawesi Dark Roast - Prices from $8.75 Decaf Espresso Swiss Water® Process - Prices from $8.50