Assam CTC (Organic)

Assam CTC (Organic)

from $11.00

The "cut/tear/curl" or "crush/tear/curl" process yields small, tightly rolled leaf pieces that produce a hearty organic cup of tea that takes milk and sugar well.

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“There are those who love to get dirty and fix things. They drink coffee at dawn, beer after work. And those who stay clean, just appreciate things. At breakfast they have milk and juice at night. There are those who do both, they drink tea.”  

~ Gary Snyder

Golden Monkey Golden Monkey Black Tea

Golden Monkey

from $21.00
Formosa "Honey" Formosa "Honey" Black Tea

Formosa "Honey"

from $25.00
Keemun 1st Grade Keemun 1st Grade Black Tea

Keemun 1st Grade

from $21.00
Yunnan Golden Tips Yunnan Golden Tips Black Tea

Yunnan Golden Tips

from $17.00
Keemun Anhui (Organic and  Fair Trade) Keemun Anhui Black Tea (Organic and  Fair Trade)

Keemun Anhui (Organic and Fair Trade)

from $12.00