Clouds and Mist (Organically Grown)

Clouds and Mist (Organically Grown)

from $13.00

Organically grown, lightly rolled Chinese green tea that is bright, slightly sweet and toasty.

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“The tea-master, Kobori-Enshiu, himself a daimyo, has left to us these memorable words: "Approach a great painting as thou wouldst approach a great prince.”

~ Okakura Kakuzō

Houjicha (Organic) Houjicha Roasted Green Tea

Houjicha (Organic)

from $17.00
Pinhead Gunpowder  (Organic and Fair Trade)

Pinhead Gunpowder (Organic and Fair Trade)

from $9.00
Matcha  (Organic)

Matcha (Organic)

from $27.00
Gyokuro Asahi

Gyokuro Asahi

from $20.00
Kukicha- Twig Tea  (Organic) Kukicha- Twig Tea

Kukicha- Twig Tea (Organic)

from $17.00