Orange Spice (Organic and Fair Trade)

Orange Spice (Organic and Fair Trade)

from $15.00

Organic black tea with whole spices, orange peels and a subtle spicy aroma and flavor.

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β€œIn the liquid amber within the ivory porcelain, the initiated may touch the sweet reticence of Confucius, the piquancy of Laotse, and the ethereal aroma of Sakyamuni himself.”

~ Kakuzo Okakura

Earl Grey French Blend Black Earl Grey French Blend Black Tea

Earl Grey French Blend Black

from $11.00
Cream Black Cream Black Tea

Cream Black

from $11.00
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Almond Black

from $11.00
Coconut Black Coconut Black Tea

Coconut Black

from $11.00

Blackberry Sage Black

from $12.00