Flavored Black Teas Lady Londonderry PreviousIce Wine Black NextLapsang Souchong Black (Organic) Lady Londonderry Lady Londonderry from $11.00 A delightful strawberry and lemon black tea blend for your sipping pleasure. Amount: Select Amount 4 ounces8 ounces16 ounces 4 ounces 8 ounces 16 ounces Quantity: Add To Cart Facebook0 Twitter Pinterest0 “Tea drinking is a liturgy of comfort, and we partake of it everywhere in the world. It’s a ceremony of simplicity, nourishment for both the nomads in foreign teahouses and homebodies in their beds.” ~ Tsh Oxenreider You Might Also Like Coconut Black from $11.00 Snow Monkey Plum from $9.00 China Rose Black from $11.00 Paris Black from $11.00 Peach Lift Black from $11.00